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Curriculum Lead

Genius Upgrade Mentorship Programm (GUMP)

Thinkerversity Curriculum Lead aims to enable the desired thinker maturity, not to sanction participants on the way there. That's why it is not bureaucratic and less formal. 

According to the individual aptitude test results required for the admission, a personal mentoring program will be created for each participant, which will essentially correspond to the following orienting curricular parameters.


For the final individual thought leadership excellence recommendation as a formal recognition note, at least the following learning, creative, leadership and maturing achievements must be proven in comprehensive and integer quality:

I. Basic requirement

  • Thinkerversity aptitude test

  • 6-month mentoring membership.


Indicative workload corresponds to approx. 10 hours individual effort.

The mentoring membership is to enable better orientation in the conceptual and content-related peculiarities of the Thinkerversity principles, program specifics and corresponding mindsets.

Intermediate certificate is the "Thinkerversity Prime Excellence", accompanied by an individually formulated recommendation for academic distance learning, which confirms independent and creative way of learning with special aptitude for thought-intensive subjects.

II. Learning achievement
consisting of 2 parts

  • Theory course "Basics of Cybernetic Thinking"

  • Mindset course - either "Strategic Thinking" or "AI-Thinking".

Indicative workload corresponds to approx. 20 hours individual effort.

Interim certificate is the "Thinkerversity Mindset Prowess": An individual recommendation for academic studies that confirms independent learning and research methods with a special ability to think in a cybernetic way.

III. Creative achievement

  • Creative course "Aphoristic formulation"

  • Practical course "Conceptual Problem Solving"

  • Curatorial course "Social Steering".


Indicative workload corresponds to approx. 20+ hours individual effort.

Interim certificate is the "Thinkerversity Creative Polymath Worth": An individual recommendation for academic studies, which confirms independent interdisciplinary research excellence and conceptualization methods with a special ability for conceptually sound creative innovation.

IV. Leadership integrity

Individual strategic management task based on the course achievements listed above.


V. Final performance

in the form of a publishable scientific and a popular scientific creative contribution, optionally consisting of:

(a) a structured set of comments (e.g. review)

(b) a research article on a topic you consider of higher actual relevance (please justify)

(c) an original popular science or philosophical essay or film (no formal requirements)

(d) a speech, a dialogical conversation or a lecture with a presentation

(e) a playable didactically relevant game (no formal requirements)

(f) an authentic collection of aphorisms (no formal requirements).


The final certificate is the "Thinkerversity Thought Leadership Excellence":
An individual recommendation of the personal maturity of a strategic thinker with a pronounced ability to innovate, who understands complex interrelations and is able to substantiate the resulting findings. It also confirms that the graduate has a high level of integrity as a leader.


All of these academic achievements have to be completed in a representative publicistic or artistic quality and allowed for publication.


In addition to the recommendations described above and the highest final recommendation for top performance, conceptual and potential-oriented recommendations are also possible on request.

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