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Advanced Thinker Excellence Mentorship

Conceptual Programms by Dr. Leon Tsvasman

A cybernetically grounded thinker does not define himself by his personal gain. Relevant validity can only be achieved through inspiration of the participating observer. The biggest throws made on behalf of the short-sighted doers almost always end in catastrophe. The more closely they follow a precise plan, the more they eliminate each other's redundancies. This makes the fruits of your influence all the less meaningful on the overarching level. Don't be too eager and reality will thank you. Thinking doesn't need levers, it is levers. A complexity thinker does not have to become an influencer. It is enough to face bold truths and work on one's own potential long enough for the effect of authentic insights to make our common world sustainable and resilient, even if this remains invisible to contemporaries. In the world of exponentially growing redundancies, forbidden or lost thoughts that are almost always taken out of context due to complexity reduction, speculative theses and ghostly books, a well-placed authentic aphorism is sometimes more valuable than extensive books and convincing or expensive film productions.

Individual Support for academic Potentials, Lerners and Lecturers

Individual Programms & Arrangements

Authentic Potentials

  • Personal Development 

  • Education Consulting 

  • Academic Mentorship

  • Instructional Innovation

Conceptual Education

  • Systemic Thinking 

  • Creative Positioning

Exclusive Certification

  • Individual Awards 

  • Trusted Recommendations

Identity Memberships

  • Mindempire Alumni Network

  • Intellectual Leadership Net

Junge Frau, die Anmerkungen macht

Ideal mentees are enthusiastic, energetic, organized, and focused. They embrace feedback while remaining honest and responsive. And they learn to underpromise and overdeliver.

Don’t worry about the level of individual prominence you have achieved; worry about the individuals you have helped become better people.

Harvard Business Review

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